10 Tips to Live Guilt Free Healthy Life

1.Cook yourself to eat a more healthy food When you make your food at home, you know exactly what goes into it from start to finish and it will be free of any preservatives, hidden fillers and ingredients which you don’t know. Even more, you can adjust your recipes to based on your nutritional preferences and needs.

 2.Avoid food products with the word "lite" or the terms "low fat" or "non fat" in their names Removing fat from your foods doesn't necessarily make them healthy and non-fattening. Even fats are also important for your body to utilise fat soluble vitamins which are vitamin A, D, E and K. 

3.Avoid processed and packaged foods The major issues with processed food are the depletion of nutrients, and the addition of preservatives as well as more sugar, salt and bad fats. Excessive intakes of these can contribute to various health problems.

4.Small and frequent meals Helps to keep our energy level stable and make it easier for us to cope up with everything we to do in a day. It also helps with overeating.

5.Choose healthy fats over unhealthy fats Fats can be healthy or unhealthy but it’s really important to have fats in our diet because good fats are responsible for managing our moods, fight fatigue, and even control our weight. We should learn to make healthy choices and to replace bad fats with good ones. For e.g. Instead of snacking chips or crackers, try snacking on nuts or seeds.

Food and mood: Is there a connection? - Harvard Health

6.Avoid super sizing, when eating out Don’t get carried away with bigger portion sizes just because it’s a good deal for your wallet because ultimately your health will pay for it, especially when you are already struggling with any health conditions.

7.Eat slowly to improve health It takes about twenty minutes from the start of a meal for the brain to send out signals of satiety, So when we eat slowly, we digest better and get more satisfaction with each meal and It also gives our body time to recognise that we are full.

8.Buy local and seasonal fruits and vegetables Seasonal fruits and vegetable retains maximum of nutrients as compare to off seasonal fruits and vegetables because when produce is grown in its proper season, under the appropriate growing conditions, its having maximum amount of nutrients intact.

9.Read Nutrition labels before buying stuffs Reading nutrition labels help us make informed decisions towards choosing good food. Knowing how to read nutrition labels assures that we get more value for our money and protects us from incorrect claims on the product packs.

10.Plan your weekly meal plan Planning your meals in advance allows you to take control of your own personal nutrition needs and have a balanced meal throughout the week. Choosing your own recipes and ingredients for the week allows you to make important food choices.


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