Flab To Fit, Happy Belly

Everyone is dreaming of a flat belly, Isn”t it? Whether you want to look fit or show your curves, it becomes mandatory to flatten your belly and flaunt yourself not only to look better but more of you will feel yourself confident.

You are trying all types of diets ( All fashioned Diet) still, fail to reach your goals. Have you ever realized why so? First you should realize that it is a long term commitment towards yourself. It is not a magic to flatten your belly in a short duration. 

Diet alone can’t do anything but diet along with proper exercise and lifestyle modification can do such wonders. You should focus on your dietary intake, exercise pattern and lifestyle.

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Tips to make your belly flab to fit
  • Start your day with a glass of lukewarm water (avoid cold water) instead of tea or coffee
  • Avoid skipping your meals (especially breakfast)
  • Cut down your carbs intake and include high - quality protein in your diet
  • Replace your simple carbs with complex carbs
  • Cut down your sugar intake
  • Increase your greens( leafy veggies) intake
  • Increase your water intake (10 - 12 glasses per day)
  • Replace junk foods with healthy snack options like whole fruits, roasted grams or a glass of buttermilk, etc.)
  • Avoid food products with the word "lite" or the terms "low - fat" or "non - fat" in their names
  • Indulge yourself in small and frequent meals to avoid overeating
  • Cook yourself to eat more healthy
  • Commit to a daily physical challenge (minimum 30 minutes)
  • Try Yoga to focus your mind and to reduce stress level
  • Try Yoga  asana like Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend),  Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose),  Padahastasana (Standing Forward Bend), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), etc
  • Quit smoking to give more oxygen to your body
  • Limit your alcohol intake, if possible stop drinking
  • Always relax yourself with Shavasana (Corpse Pose) after completion of yoga practice
  • Sleep for 7 - 8 hours to avoid the increased level of the stress hormone cortisol to rise, along with levels of deep abdominal fat. 
  • Most important involve your partner or parents or children’s or friend’s in your activities to stay motivated always
  • Last but not least Love Yourself Always.


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