Don’t throw healthy fibre’s

Yes! you heard me right.

You should not peel all your fruits and vegetables to maximize fiber and nutrient density. Many people peel fruits and vegetables before eating them, But stripping away this layer removes a large concentration of nutrients. 
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The peels of vegetables and fruits that contain fiber, help for moving food through your digestive system, healthy elimination, and protection from colon cancer. Human cells don't have the enzymes to digest fiber, so it reaches the large intestine relatively unchanged where intestinal bacteria do have the enzymes to digest many of these fibers. Dietary fibers feed the "good" bacteria in the intestine, functioning as prebiotics and promote the growth of good bacteria in the intestine. 
It is also important to eat the peel with fruits, vegetables, and legumes, and to eat whole grains, is that the fiber and carbohydrates in any food are better utilized by the body when they are together.
*Dietary fiber provides similar benefits for children as for adults.


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